Clean Calendar helps you easily delete multiple events from your calendar!
Choose the calendars to clean, the start and end dates, filter the events with the many options available and thats it. Thats is easy and quick!
You can define the period to clean by indicating the start and end dates or by choosing a period among the following choices:
-The last 60, 30 or 7 days
-The current month
-The current year
-The next 7, 30 or 60 days
Plus, you can filter the events to delete by choosing among the following options:
-With/Without Title
-With/Without Location
-With/Without Repeat
-With/Without Invitees
-With/Without Alert
-With/Without URL
-With/Without Notes
-Title contains and/or does not contain such a word
-Location contains and/or does not contain such a word
-URL contains and/or does not contain such a word
-Notes contains and/or does not contain such a word
Clean Calendar is available on both iPhone and iPad.